Leeya Chaudhuri debated for Enloe High School and DebateDrills, where she served as president of her 180-person speech and debate team. She's competed in Public Forum since 7th grade, earning 1800+ NSDA points and attending 40+ tournaments. She's been ranked as high as #8 in Public Forum in the country and #1 in North Carolina speech and debate. She's also championed the prestigious Harvard Invitational, Georgetown Invitational, Stanford Invitational, and Tournament of Champions Digital Debate Series. Leeya's coaching experience includes: coaching 120 students at the free debate camp she founded, serving as outreach director for Reason for Debate, mentoring students at her local middle school, and private coaching. Most recently, she's founded the Wake County Debate Initiative in collaboration with her local school district to expand debate to 7 public high schools in her county. Leeya loves having fun in-round and is excited to coach this summer at NSD!