LD Debate
PF Debate
“Our daughter's skills have been honed and perfected by NSD. My wife and I are very grateful for this team. They're all terrific. Moreover, we're certain our daughter has made some life-long friends through NSD.”
“NSD was responsible for a large part of my growth in competitive success in debate. To potential families looking to attend NSD, know that there exists faculty who care just as much about the well being of the kids attending as they do their educational growth.”
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The topic for the 2025 Public Forum Debate March Topic
March 1, 2025
February 13, 2025
The topic for the 2025 March/April Topic
NSD's 2020-2021 Bid List
August 30, 2021
Sachin Shah introduces and analyzes various methods to quantify/rank teams during the 2020-2021 Lincoln-Douglas (LD) debate season.
Sachin Shah
April 22, 2021
In this article, Animesh explains 5 key points on how to retrofit older arguments from phil into modern debate frameworks.
Animesh Joshi
March 18, 2021
Phil debate has been declining. This article gives an introduction to phil debate and how it is still valuable in today's debate meta.
March 5, 2021
A pattern of negative side bias has been statistically observed, especially in the newer online formats. This article investigates if this trend still exists in the 2021 debate season through a quantitative analysis and interpretation.
February 6, 2021
Sachin Shah brings a statistical analysis on how online tournaments have affected the dynamic of Lincoln-Douglas (LD) debate.
January 29, 2021
September 6, 2020
This article offers a deep dive into Lincoln-Douglas's (LD) theory debate and it's apparent decline.
Stephen Scopa
November 30, 2019
NSD's 2018-2019 Bid List
September 9, 2019
NSD's 2019-2020 Bid List
September 8, 2019
Katherine Fennell demonstrates how to respond to the K in the 1AR, covering link turns, impact turns, disadvantages to the alternative, and permutations.
Katherine Fennell
April 19, 2019
Based off of data collected from PF rankings in the 2019 season, we present the hardest and weakest PF tournaments, as measured by the average ELO rating of the competitors.
Inko Bovenzi
April 15, 2019
This article discuss the resource disparity in debate and how small-school debaters can compete and succeed against larger, skilled debate programs.
December 20, 2018
David McGinnis articulates an opinion on why privatization of debate is not good for the event, and consequently for our society.
David McGinnis
August 7, 2018
This article challenges the paring of radical politics with fiat, and argues that fiat inherently disrupts radical policies.
Becca Traber
January 17, 2018
This article gives a detailed look at how to give a strategic K 2NR and covers impact turns, link analysis, and the alternative.
November 27, 2017
Grant Brown discusses the difficulties in going for Kritik arguments and how to most effectively use them in your debate rounds.
Grant Brown
October 24, 2017
NSD's 2017-2018 Bid List
September 27, 2017
Salim presents reasons why Lincoln-Douglas (LD) will not improve over time by taking a look at it's norms and offers some solutions to improve the activity.
Salim Damerdji
January 2, 2017
This article completes David's view of a judges role and gives insights into practical considerations and the Self-Defeatingness Objection
David Branse
September 12, 2015
This article asserts that the role of the judge is to vote for the better debater, and it details how this can be achieved.
September 4, 2015
A quantitative look at whether judges in Lincoln-Douglas (LD) are making rational decisions during elimination rounds, or are simply guessing.
Steven Adler
March 30, 2015
This article argues in favor of topicality within debate and discusses how topicality sits within the overall framework of modern debate.
October 31, 2014
This article presents various methods to beat paragraph theory, which has become prevalent amongst affirmative cases.
Sam Natbony
October 15, 2014
In an effort to keep history alive, NSD Update has obtained and scanned TOC results packets from years prior to the advent of electronic posting. View TOC packets from 2001 to 2013
May 8, 2013
This article discusses the 'Conditionals' argument and why you should never lose to it in a debate round.
Christian Tarsney
April 21, 2012
This article introduces truth-testing and comparing worlds in theory debate and they may impact the dynamics of debate rounds
Jeff Liu
February 27, 2012
This article examines whether Lincoln Douglas (LD) debate has become too specialized and nuanced for outsiders to comprehend.
January 31, 2012
This article discusses why the offensive counter-interpretation argument is flawed and how it results to Reverse Voting Issues
Ryan Lawrence
December 1, 2011
This article revisits the origin of LARP debating and the implications of the phenomenon.
August 30, 2011
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