NSD's Flagship LD Summer Camp
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Lincoln, NE
NSD Flagship is our premier, three-week flagship summer debate camp for middle and high school students focused on Lincoln-Douglas (LD) debate.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Lincoln, NE
NSD Flagship is our premier, three-week flagship summer debate camp for middle and high school students focused on Lincoln-Douglas (LD) debate.
Key Info
July 13 - Aug 2
Residential Camp
6th-12th Grade
LD Debate Focused
NSD Flagship's Lincoln-Douglas Debate faculty represents an elite group of championship coaches and former debaters from across the United States.
With curriculum tracks designed for students of all levels, NSD Flagship is where students who aspire to national championship-level success train.
NSD Flagship's LD camp is renowned for providing a training ground to both rising stars and top ranked LD debaters across the United States.
We pride ourselves on providing personalized attention and interactive education for each NSD camper and ensure a 4:1 student to teacher ratio.
In the last 3 years, our alumni have achieved:
#1 Rated Debate Camp
*based on student rankings/bids
Speaker Awards
NSD Flagship fosters a close-knit, driven, and fun environment for students to learn, hosted at a nationally ranked research university.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a communal atmosphere that helps foster a community and work environment. The campus is surrounded by a vibrant and safe community with many restaurants and attractions within walking distance.
Students have two free days throughout Flagship. Under camp supervision, campers can choose between exploring campus, attending supervised outings, participating in camp organized games, or spending the day with family. On or adjacent to campus you’ll find six museums, a dozen galleries, and must see architecture - like the Nebraska State Capitol!
Shuttle service from the Omaha airport to the UNL campus will be provided for all students arriving at the Omaha airport
Campus amenities include Air Conditioning (AC) in dormitory rooms, cafeteria, and classrooms buildings, and convenient gym access
UNL provides pillows but requests families arrange for their own linens.
Lunch and dinner in campus dining hall included in the meal plan, with breakfast options easily accessible on campus for purchase
Conveniently located on-campus cafe and student center for snacks, meals, and fun games
Each NSD camp is built on a core set of values. Our 3-week long Flagship LD curriculum provides our most comprehensive and in-depth camp curriculum to teach students foundational and advanced debate skills. The Flagship program is designed to enable students of all skill levels on their journey to competitive excellence in national circuit debate. Each student learns and rigorously prepares a camp topic, selected from the slate of upcoming topics for debate during the season, while refining debate skills and exploring academic fields relevant to our topic. Students learn our core curriculum, engage in structured practice activities, receive mentorship, and participate in practice rounds, all in small group, active learning environments.
Students are grouped into labs based on experience level, which we assess by gathering information prior to camp, and these groups form the heart of the NSD experience. All NSD labs maintain a 1:5 instructors to student ratio, to enable an active, small group collaborative environment. NSD treats all students as equally important by assuring individualized attention to each and appointing veteran national circuit instructors to work in every lab. Each lab is led by both senior and junior faculty members. Labs focus on developing and leading students through a robust lifecycle of skill development that emphasizes repetition, implementation and skill mastery.
4:1 student-to-faculty ratio, or better, with a small group of 10-14 students
Led by the best debate minds in the country
Receive a core curriculum that is appropriate for each student’s level
A “homeroom” environment that meets consistently over the course of camp, so that lab leaders are familiar with each student’s needs and progress, and students form close-knit friendships
Labs enable us to teach students the core curriculum in a small group environment that facilitates the introduction of new concepts through discussion, structured activities, and collaboration in small groups
Great opportunity for fun bonding times, with lab dinners and activities for socializing
Rather than teach our core curriculum through large group lectures, we supplement daily lab meetings with additional instruction from specialist faculty who rotate in to teach in lab. Rotations consist of three 2-hour blocks of time (one a day for three days) during which labs receive instruction on specialized topics by two instructors who are experts in those topic areas. Rotations capture the benefits of large group lectures (introducing students to new staff, and allowing the staff to speak on their strongest topics), but retain the unique benefits of lab (hands on instruction, small size, and the ability to effectively and immediately reinforce topics with drills and homework).
Learn specialized topics in debate from instructors who are expert in those topic areas
The small group lab setting is the perfect way to teach students in an environment that facilitates the introduction of new concepts through discussion, structured activities, and collaboration in small groups
Rotations meet over several days, so instructors can provide students with readings, drill materials, and assignments to be assessed at the next meeting
Learn the core curriculum through active learning and hands-on small group work
Each student is assigned a mentor group, with one faculty mentor and a total of four students. Mentor groups meet almost daily for the duration of camp, so that mentors can track students’ progress and needs over the course of camp. This creates a terrific environment for students to receive a specific curriculum tailored to each individual student’s needs and interests. In mentor group, students receive customized drills, ask questions they have from other parts of their curricular day, and work on research projects and case construction.
4:1 student-to-faculty ratio, or better
Groups are matched by experience level, so that each group is a set of peers with similar needs
Forge close connections with mentor and fellow mentees, and provide students an additional instructor who will closely track their progress throughout camp
Receive structured drills, feedback on cases and assignments, assistance with special research projects, and the opportunity for Q&A’s in a small group environment
Great opportunity for fun bonding times, with mentor group dinners and activities for socializing
All students attending NSD have practice debates on most days, judged by our expert instructors, who provide extensive round feedback on what students should do to improve. Some of these rounds will occur in the annual NSD Camp Tournament, which provides a competitive opportunity for students to showcase the skills they have learned over camp.
Rounds are paired based on skill level, so that students debate rounds with peer competitors
Great opportunity for students to implement the new skills they learn at camp and receive feedback from experts on the arguments they have written
Each round is paired with structured, expert feedback on the details of each speech
Practice rounds provide excellent material for instructors to lead students through structured “redo” speeches, so that students make steady progress on debate skills
We end most days with office hours, modeled on the office hour system used by many colleges and universities. During office hours, all of our faculty are available to meet with students individually (or in small groups, if they prefer), and students are empowered to select the topics for each of their office hours meetings. This makes office hours an excellent opportunity for students to learn more about topics that interest them, develop new skills, receive assistance on homework, and do structured practice by redoing speeches from rounds they have debated or by having instructors create custom drills calibrated to their needs.
Access to all of our top faculty
One-on-one meeting time
Students select what they would like to work on
Receive customized drills, assistance with homework, and insight from top faculty
Paired with open work time, so that students can switch fluidly between office hours meetings with faculty and collaborative work with their peers
In elective seminars, students learn about niche topics–from debate strategy to philosophy to political theory–from specialist instructors. Students choose from a wide range of elective seminar options, so they can attend the seminars that most interest them.
Seminar offerings provide options for students of every skill level, from novice to advanced varsity
Opportunity for students to chart their own course, and select topics in areas of debate and academia that spark their interest
Learn from faculty who are most specialized in and passionate about the seminar topic area
Great opportunity for students to interact with additional instructors at camp
With the introduction of concepts, example materials, and research tips, seminars are a great way for students to jump start their own work on a seminar topic
Students have the opportunity to practice and showcase their new skills in a supportive, educational environment with our end of camp tournament. All students participate in preliminary rounds, and students who perform well also participate in elimination rounds, which also serve as showcase demonstration debates for all students to watch.
All students participate in six preliminary rounds, with helpful analysis and feedback from our faculty judges
Qualifying students debate in elimination rounds, while other students have the opportunity to learn by watching those rounds and hearing judge feedback
“Break out” elimination rounds, so that the top younger debaters have more opportunity to make it into elimination debates
Tournament-like structure allows students to familiarize themselves with the real, in-person tournament environment
Opportunity to practice competing against top students, with excellent faculty judging
Students watch demonstration debates on the camp resolution from our younger faculty, many of whom were recently nationally top ranked debate competitors. Demonstration rounds are moderated by senior faculty, who break down the round with students in-between speeches, answer student questions, and provide a post-round analysis.
Demonstration debates featuring recent top competitors help familiarize students with the camp topic, as well as high-level debate strategy and execution
Debates are divided by skill level, so that students receive demonstrations that are attuned to their level of background knowledge and their curricular needs
Expert moderation assists students in understanding demonstrations in-depth, speech-by-speech
Materials for demonstration debates (cases, rebuttal speech documents, etc.) are distributed to students, so that they can be used for student drills
With any camp registration, students receive free access to NSD’s Skill Builder pre-camp curriculum. Skill Builder features stand-alone curriculum modules intended for independent study, built by top faculty. At camp, we want our students focused on the most valuable aspects of our sessions: intensive, interactive instruction that amplifies and deepens students’ existing skill sets and builds new ones, learning deep skills in specialty areas from top faculty, and participating in a supportive learning community with peers. Skill Builder helps students solidify background skills ahead of camp, so students can focus on what matters most while they are at camp.
Purposefully built by top debate coaches to help students improve their debate skills through focused, individual work
Step-by-step, easy to use modules with tools to improve their debate skills and arrive at camp ready to maximize their improvement
Includes drill materials and rubrics for self-assessment, so students can practice on their own
Great for students with skill areas they want to improve before camp, and for true beginners who want an introduction to debate before camp
Helps students focus on the most valuable work at camp, not on catching up
NSD faculty combines the competitive insights from debating and coaching national championships with the classroom skill of lifetime school teachers. NSD offers students the unique opportunity to receive dedicated personalized feedback to build confidence with key concepts and skills.
Scroll to view faculty
Dates: July 13 - August 2
Includes Tuition, Housing, Meals
Free Access to Skill Builder Program
Add 4th Week (+$1,000)
Paymen Due Upon Registration
Dates: July 13 - August 2
Includes Tuition and Meals
Free Access to Skill Builder Program
Add 4th Week (+$1,000)
Payment Due Upon Registration
If you are unable to attend camp for the full duration due to conflict in schedule, please contact us about attending camp for a subset of time.
We are committed to providing low-income students with access to our camp programs through need-based scholarships. If you are interested in applying for financial aid, please view our scholarships page.
Students attending Flagship LD at UNL should fly into Eppley Airfield (OMA) in Omaha, Nebraska. Our transportation arrangements and faculty pick-up and drop-off options for students will be for Eppley Airfield (OMA) only. The Omaha airport is about an hour from the UNL campus. Therefore, this year we will implement a free shuttle service to and from the airport for all students at the camp session to utilize. If you don’t reserve a spot on the shuttle through your travel registration forms your student will not be able to use the shuttle on arrival/departure days. There is not public transportation widely available to and from Omaha to Lincoln so we encourage all students to use our shuttle service. We will have shuttles running throughout the day and NSD Faculty will be at the airport to wait with students arriving/departing throughout the day.
We ask that students attending the Flagship LD session do not arrive at the airport earlier than 9AM and no later than 5PM on arrival day. We will have shuttles running to the UNL campus at approximately 10AM, 12PM, 2PM, 4PM, and 6PM- depending on student arrivals.
On departure day we will utilize the same shuttle system to take students to the Omaha airport. The earliest shuttle will leave at 5AM and the latest shuttle will be at 1PM.
Unless you plan to travel with your child and personally bring them to/from camp, you should sign up for the free shuttle service by completing the arrival and departure registration forms in your NSD portal. If you absolutely do not want your child to utilize the shuttle service provided by NSD, you can opt-out and let us know how your student will arrive on campus. However, please note we do not anticipate it being easy or inexpensive to get an Uber or other transportation to and from the airport. If you would like to reserve a separate car service we recommend Leisure Limousine, a Lincoln Nebraska based airport shuttle service. Please be mindful that if your student is not using our shuttle service, we will not have other faculty arrival/departure accompanied options.
If students are traveling as an "unaccompanied minor” designation you will want to notify NSD on your arrival and departure forms so Student Life Administrators can coordinate with you before the camp session begins. We will assign a faculty member to check your student in and out from the airline and then they will be accompanied to/from the shuttle. An unaccompanied minor designation with the airline is an option you select that brings with it additional services from the airline, along with an additional obligation that a registered adult picks them up from the airline upon arrival and drops them off with the airline for departure. In that specific case, the airline will not allow the student to leave unless they are checked out by one of our faculty members.
If you designate your student as an "unaccompanied minor” with the airline there will be a $150 service charge for both arrival and departure services ($300 total). Having NSD Faculty work with the airline and pick up/ drop off unaccompanied minors is very staff intensive for us, so we do charge for the service. Please note that parents will not be allowed to take the shuttle with students.
Elite Residential, Commuter, and Online Summer Camps + Year-Round Tutoring