Jack Merkel

Jack Merkel's headshot

Hey everyone, my name is Jack and I competed in PF for 3 years at Cosby High School in Richmond, VA and NFA LD for 2 years at Florida State University. I recently just finished my final semester at FSU studying International Affairs. During my debate career, I broke at many National Circuit Tournaments such as Emory, UPenn, Dowling, and GMU, receiving 2 gold bids my senior year. During college, I competed in NFA LD and broke at tournaments such as the Fall Finale and Red Bird tournaments, and most notably reached Octafinals at nationals. I enjoy all types of debates, as competing in both PF and LD I experienced and ran a large variety of arguments ranging from lay narrative debates all the way to intense K rounds. I have coached at both the NOVA Debate Camp and the Richmond Debate Institute while also serving as a debate coach for my high school.


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